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Enhanced Spam Detection for Your Podpage Listener-Submitted Content
Enhanced Spam Detection for Your Podpage Listener-Submitted Content
Updated over a week ago

Introducing Enterprise-Level Spam Detection

We're excited to announce that we've implemented an enterprise-level spam detection system for listener-submitted content on Podpage.

This means that every time a listener submits a message through your contact form or leaves a review on your site, their content undergoes a thorough scan and screening process to identify potential spam.

How It Works:

  1. Automated Screening:
    When a listener submits content through the contact form or on-site reviews, our system automatically scans the content to assess its authenticity.

  2. Detection of Spam:
    If the system detects content that exhibits characteristics of spam, it will be categorized as such.

  3. Labeling and Storage:
    Rather than sending you an email notification about the potential spam content, we'll conveniently label it as spam and store it in your Podpage dashboard.

Finding Flagged Content:

  • To access and manage the content identified as spam, start with:

    Dashboard → Connect → Contact Form

  • Here, you'll find your contact form inbox, including any content that has been labeled as spam.

  • This allows you to review the content and take any necessary actions, such as deleting or reporting it as legitimate.

No Additional Setup or Cost

  • We understand the importance of streamlining your podcast website management, and that's why we've introduced this spam detection system as part of our service.
    You don't need to take any additional steps to activate this feature, and it won't incur any extra cost.

  • It's our way of ensuring that your Podpage experience is free from unwanted spam, allowing you to focus on creating and engaging with your podcast content.

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